This isn’t something you can pencil in and get to when you have time, cyber maintenance has to be something you commit to. We all have those moments when we realize that we had the best intentions to stick with something, but its priority fell by the wayside. We start off strong, then taper off until we forget completely.
When it comes to your cybersecurity, there isn’t a shortcut or short-term guide to safeguarding your information and identity, so taking time to address it is not only necessary, it is going to pay off in the long run.
Sharpie this in
Book time on your calendar in the way you would for personal or home maintenance. You schedule haircuts and change the batteries in smoke detectors, so consider establishing the same type of habits when it comes to your online information.
Take this time to update passwords, ensure that your software is all updated to the latest version and that you have two-factor authentications enabled where it is an option. Call your credit card companies and ask about their security policy – and do they have methods in place to protect you from being hacked? Enabling alerts on purchases and payments via text or email will help you to tackle any issues immediately rather than long after the damage has been done.
The bottom line is that you need to take time out of your schedule to deal with this. It’s not always convenient and it’s not always what you feel like doing, but you need to make it as much as a priority as any other maintenance in your life.
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