The HIPAA Security Rule mandates that covered entities must conduct a security risk assessment or SRA. This includes health care plans for individuals, government plans (Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare), and employer-sponsored plans. Providers that conduct electronic health care transactions must comply with the Security Rule. This means conducting an SRA. It is recommended that this occurs...
Is Your Trash a HIPAA Violation? In the case of the New England Dermatology and Laser Center (NEDLC), their trash was a violation. And a costly one with a $300,640 fee attached. A security guard found a container with identifying information on the attached label. As a result, an investigation by the Department of Health...
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) isn’t offering leniency just because you’re a small business. Action will be taken, despite the impact that a HIPAA fine can have on this sector of healthcare. And as eleven recent investigations prove the point, many of those were small practices. This brings the total to 38 enforcement actions...
18 HIPAA PHI Identifiers HIPAA regulations are in place to ensure that you protect and secure the patient data that as a healthcare business, you have access to and collect. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has identified 18 patient identifier categories as it pertains to their guidance on satisfying the safe harbor...
“We’re being audited!” Those words strike fear and uncertainty in most of us – especially if you are in healthcare. But what actually happens in a HIPAA audit? Will a government official show up unannounced with a briefcase and ask for you to produce every bit of your business’s HIPAA documentation while sequestering your team...
In your home, it is likely that you have at minimum a pile of paperwork and records that you’ve held onto “just in case you need it” for a possible tax audit, warranty, to make a return, or several other random reasons you’ll need to reference it in the future. No one ever seems to...
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or as it is commonly known as HIPAA, was created to set standards nationally. These are in place to protect the personal health information and medical records of individuals as well as give them access easily. As the March 1st deadline for reporting a breach draws closer, knowing...
HIPAA Right to Access Initiative is Alive & Well In 2019 we witnessed the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) make it public that they were going to up their efforts when it came to enforcing the rights of an individual to access their health records. This is known as the HIPAA Right of Access initiative. ...
Before you buy a home, an inspection is completed as a way of exposing any potential issues to you as a buyer. This can give you leverage when it comes to purchasing price negotiation since these liabilities can often present risks to you as a resident. Those risks can come in the form of cost...
Meticulous Research released a market research report “Healthcare Cybersecurity Market”, that indicated a number that anyone in healthcare would want to be aware of. They expect that by 2027 – which sounds far off but is NOT – the cybersecurity market within healthcare will reach $26.1billion with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.8%...
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