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Dissecting a Healthcare Breach 101:
From Ransomware to Despair

Art Gross and Matthew Fisher join forces to discuss the recent ransomware attack on a Michigan ENT practice that not only closed their doors for good, but DELETED all of their medical records.

They'll take a closer look at the attack, the likely repercussions, and what this practice did WRONG - so that YOU can get it right. They'll discuss appropriate safeguards to prevent a data breach, what to do if you suspect one has occurred, the liabilities associated with a breach, and how recovery is possible with the right response.

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The Discussion

Have you ever thought about what you would do if your organization was involved in a data breach? Maybe a ransomware attack - would you pay the ransom? If not, you'll lose all your patient files - then what? Take an early retirement, close your doors, and cross your fingers that the incident stays under the radar?

If you've considered the possibility of a data breach (which you should), hopefully the scenario played out a bit better than that. Unfortunately, for the healthcare practice in Michigan, Brookside ENT & Hearing Center, this was their reality - and their breach response!

Join us as we discuss how having the appropriate technical safeguards, incident response plan, data backup procedures, and cyber insurance policy could have yielded a much less detrimental outcome for this practice. 

Art Gross

President & CEO

Art Gross founded HIPAA Secure Now! in 2010 to help medical practices and their business associates with HIPAA compliance and data security.

Art Gross, President & CEO, HIPAA Secure Now!

Matthew Fisher

Guest Expert

Chair of Health Law Group and a Partner at the law firm of Mirick O’Connell, Matt focuses on guiding practices and companies through the labyrinth of healthcare regulations.

Matthew Fisher, Chair of Health Law Group

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